Editorial board

Veres Valér

Deputy editor-in-chief
Dávid-Kacsó Ágnes

Berszán Lidia, Csata Zsombor, Horváth István, Kiss Dénes, Magyari Tivadar, Benedek József, Péter László, Geambasu Réka, Pásztor Gyöngyi

Editorial Board
Bárdi Nándor (HAS CSS Institute for Minority Studies, Budapest), Csepeli György (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, University of Miskolc), Kuczi Tibor, Ladányi János, Lengyel György (Corvinus University of Budapest), Lőrincz D. József, Mezei Elemér, Szabó Béla (Babeș-Bolyai University), Pászka Imre (University of Szeged), Tamás Pál (HAS Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest)

Editorial Secretary
Bruck Edit

Responsible for website
Dániel Botond

The postal address of the Editorial board
Revista „Erdélyi Társadalom"
Str. Dostoievschi/Plugarilor 34, RO–400604 Cluj-Napoca
Telefon: +40 264 599 461, fax: +40 264 430 611
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Present Issue

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