Preparing the manuscript
1. References and bibliography
- All references within the text should be included in the bibliography and correspondingly, bibliography should only contain those books, articles and other sources that were cited in the text.
2. References within the text
- When quoting from a source please provide a page number next to the author's name and the year of publication.
- When quoting a text please use quotation marks
- References should be put in parenthesis; e.g.: "text" (Yeoh 2005: 205)
- The format is the following: (Author year: page number). The year of publication and the page number are separated by a colon followed by a space.
- When situated at the end of the phrase the point is inserted after the reference and not at the end of the sentence!
- In case of more than two co-authors please use the et alii formula. E.g. (Brubaker et alii 2008)
3. Bibliography/References
Details of all referenced sources are to be placed at the end of the article within the "Bibliography" section, in alphabetical order.
REYNOLDS, Andrew – REILLY, Ben – ELLIS, Andrew
2005 Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook. IDEA, Stockholm.
Pl. BABBIE, Earl
1996 A társadalomtudományi kutatás gyakorlata. Balassi Kiadó, Budapest
Papers published in volumes
2001 Studiu introductiv. In: NASTASĂ, Lucian – VARGA Andrea (ed.): Minorităţi etnoculturale. Mărturii documentare. Ţiganii din România (1919–1944). Ethnocultural Diversity Center, Cluj-Napoca, 9–24.
Articles published in periodicals
2005 The Construction of Transnational Spaces by Indian Migrants in Australia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2. (31) 365–384.
Online sources
STAN, Valentin – MORARU, Adrian – IORGA, Elena – TEIŞANU, Radu
2004 Alegerile locale 2004. O lecţie politică. Institutul pentru Politici Publice, Bucureşti,, (last retrieved: Septemer 17, 2008)
- Within the text tables are inserted around (before or after) the paragraphs where discussion of the data appears.
- FIGURES (graphs, maps and pictures) are to be sent in black and white.
- In case of a large number of tables and figures those not directly preventing the reader from following the text are to be placed at the end of the article, before the bibliography.
5. The content and structure of the manuscript
- Author, Title (in the footnote, if applicable: acknowledgment of financial support received for the research, year of research grant etc., acknowledgment of scientific support and input from colleagues)
- A few biographical details of the author(s) in 3rd person singular: occupation (status), current employment (name of institution(s) and of department) or studies, field(s) of research interest.
- Hungarian abstract (150–300 words)
- Keywords (5–6)
- Title in English
- English abstract (150–300 words)
- The text of the article (including tables, graphs and appendices, if any)
- References/bibliography